Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day One Without Abba

Abba got off safe and sound to the States, tiptoed out in the middle of the night.  And then Noam woke up. 4 times. It was like a bad joke.  He did finally go back to sleep soundly at around 5, but that was the first reminder that I am single parenting for a little while over here.  It makes me thankful for the zen-like balance that usually exists in my life.   Dear Don, Thanks for getting up in the middle of the night with the baby. Love, Debra.

And it's a rainy, rainy day. The first one of the year.  But our great carpool partners called to ask if it would be okay if they came to pick up the girls today in their car rather than having me drop them off at their house. They knew that Don was leaving town and are lovely and thoughtful. Hooray for good carpool friends.  Racheli got off without a hitch. Hadara and I waited politely for Noam to wake up (7:45) and then the three of us dripped into our car. Noam's teacher met us at the car so we wouldn't have to park and bring him in (!) and then Hadara and I sang our way over to her school.

Once all children were in their proper places, I returned home and did what any reasonably sane single parent on sabbatical would do in this situation.  I climbed back into bed. 

It seems like Don's flight has landed in Amsterdam as expected and in celebration, I am polishing off the pot of beautiful chicken soup from Shabbat.  The dinner menu is set for the week, the girls' school clothes are all layed out, the dishes are done (for now).  I will continue to lay low, stockpile my strength, and prepare for the unexpected hiccups this week has in store for us.

1 comment:

  1. Love you! Miss you! I had Andrew in London during the big snowstorm last week, so you have my sympathies. Keep the lovely, warm dishes and stories coming...and good luck! Jess
