Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Noam is One Year Old

Well, we made it. Break out the bubbly, install the baby gates, Noam is 1 year old. To celebrate this momentous occasion, Don and I went to buy Noam a bath seat. (For the record, we went to buy a push toy that he can hold onto and walk behind, but ever the practical parents, we got him a bath seat).  Up until now, Noam has been bathed in our bathroom sink.  Let's note that he has slightly outgrown that option. 

Our bathroom is not the most, shall we say, architecturally brilliant. The door opens into the toilet and the tub is squeezed into a corner behind the toilet making it impossible to reach the faucets from outside the tub [fun exercise for your imagination: how does a fully-dressed parent give a child a bath/shower when s/he can not reach the faucets from outside the tub?]  And with those obstacles in mind, we have decided to promote Mr. Wiggles to the bathtub because the sink just doesn't seem like the smartest option at this moment in his life.

And so, I wish Noam Eliezer a very happy first birthday. You're moving into the big league now. 

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